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Industry News

Solvay Partners with AIST to Develop Low Environmental Impact Specialty Chemicals

Published on 2019-01-30. Edited By : SpecialChem

solvay-partnership-japan Solvay has announced the launch of its long term partnership with the National Institute for Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) in Japan.

New Ways to Synthesize Specialty Chemicals

This joint research agreement is aimed at exploring new ways of synthesis of specialty chemicals, within the frame of global challenges such as CO2 emissions reduction and resource efficiency.

AIST based in Japan, an iconic country for innovation, has a strong international reputation in applied chemistry, gathering top notch scientists in specific fields. AIST rarely engages in a long-term collaboration with a foreign company, in this case Solvay.

Developing Tailor-made Solutions

Solvay is a leader in markets as varied as aerospace, cars, electronics and cosmetics, developing for its customers, in its 21 major research and innovation centers all over the world, tailor-made solutions based on chemical formulations, materials and composites.

Solvay wants to accelerate its efforts toward the transition to a circular economy by teaming up its research teams with AIST, engaged in R&D to develop new ways to produce chemicals and materials with lower environmental footprint and process.

Source: Solvay
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