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NPE 2021 to Offer 13 Technology Zones Dedicated to Different Business Sectors

Published on 2020-12-30. Edited By : SpecialChem

Recycling-Sustainability-Solutions-ZoneThe Plastics Industry Association (PLASTICS), producers of NPE: The Plastics Show, announced that NPE 2021 will be home to 13 distinct Technology Zones offering attendees the chance to see firsthand how the power of plastics will transform tomorrow through demonstrations of the latest machinery and equipment, meetings with industry experts in some of the most essential sectors of the plastics industry, and educational sessions focused on plastics innovations.

Zones to Cover the Industry’s most Critical Sectors

NPE 2021’s 13 Technology Zones cover many of the industry’s most critical sectors and feature the insights, solutions, and services that are key to strengthening any supply chain. The zones consolidate their individual sector’s most cutting-edge advancements, tools, materials, and processes in one central location, offering a first-hand preview of the technologies that will help move the industry forward.

The Technology Zones are a perfect encapsulation of what makes NPE 2021 such an exciting showcase of the plastics industry. These shows-within-a-show connect exhibitors, attendees, and buyers in specific sectors that most align with their individual business priorities, enabling them to maximize their time at the trade show and build relationships with like-minded NPE participants from across the supply chain,” said Susan Krys, PLASTICS Vice President, Trade Shows.

The 13 Technology Zones to be featured at NPE 2021 include: 3D/4D Printing Zone, Bottle Zone, Contract Manufacturing Zone, Decorating & Secondary Processes Zone, Flexible Packaging Zone, Inspection & Measurement Zone, Medtech Zone, Moldmaking Zone, Polymers & Additives Zone, Product Design & Engineering Services Zone, Recycling & Sustainability Zone, Rigid Packaging Zone, and the Robotics & Automation Zone.

Given the expansive scale of NPE 2021—the upcoming triennial trade show is scheduled to feature more than 2,000 exhibitors and more than one million net square feet of exhibit space—the show’s 13 Technology Zones help attendees cultivate their NPE 2021 experience, facilitating a more personalized approach to the show.

Some of the highly anticipated Technology Zones to be featured at NPE 2021 are:

Bottle Zone

Back after its successful debut at NPE 2018, the Bottle Zone, with PETplanet and drinktec as the official supporting partners, offers a comprehensive look at one of the most important industry sectors, spotlighting innovations, technologies, and solutions for the beverage bottling and polyethylene terephthalate (PET) market.

In this zone, attendees will find companies focused on plastic bottle design, machinery, and processes that are driving the marketplace forward. In addition to the return of the Biergarten, PETplanet will again host the Bottle Zone Technical Forum, featuring presentations by bottling exhibitors highlighting the latest in sustainability, caps and closures, PET trends in preforms, bottling and containers, and machinery and equipment.

Robotics and Automation Zone

This new Technology Zone at NPE 2021 will highlight the latest advancements in autonomous technologies. In this zone, attendees will learn more about the power of mobile and service robots, predictive maintenance technology, and other transformative solutions that are addressing the most pressing manufacturing and production challenges to increase organizations’ efficiency.

Recycling and Sustainability Zone

The Recycling & Sustainability Zone will offer an up-close look at the most innovative end-market solutions, bioplastics, and lightweighting tactics that are improving sustainability and advancing life-cycle circularity in plastic products. The zone will examine all the industry’s most pressing recycling topics: chemical versus mechanical recycling, improving bottle-to-bottle processes, closed loop recyclability, and applying ocean plastics in manufacturing.

Source: NPE 2021
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