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Technip Energies and Mitsubishi Chemical License OXO-Alcohol Technology

Published on 2024-06-14. Edited By : SpecialChem

TAGS:  Sustainability / Natural Solutions     PVC, Plasticizers and Sustainability    

Technip Energies Mitsubishi Chemical OXO Alcohol Technology Licensing Technip Energies and Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, a member of the Mitsubishi Chemical Group, announces that they are licensing an improved OXO alcohol technology, named ‘OXO M-Process’. OXO alcohols are used as solvents in chemical manufacturing.

OXO-M Technology: Cost-effective and Efficient

The improved OXO-M technology reduces related capital and operating expenses of separation and purification by minimizing the production of isobutyraldehyde – used in manufacturing processes for plasticizers, resins and solvents – eliminating the need to manage it as a by-product.

Technip Energies and Mitsubishi Chemical jointly researched and developed further enhancements to Mitsubishi Chemical's ‘OXO M-Process’ technology, including an OXO catalyst management system. The technology produces n-butanol, an important product used for paints and coatings, and 2-ethylhexanol, a product to make plastic products more flexible, at high selectivity.

Bhaskar Patel, senior vice president, Sustainable Fuels, Chemicals & Circularity of Technip Energies stated, “There is a growing demand for OXO alcohol to meet the commercial needs in solvent and plasticizers markets. Our technology and R&D facilities in Boston, in cooperation with the Mitsubishi Chemical team, played a vital role in bringing the catalyst management system to realization. Technip Energies is pleased to collaborate with Mitsubishi Chemical on OXO M-Process technology and to bring this technology to market.

Masaru Utsunomiya, director, RD&IP Div., Basic Materials & Polymers Business Group of Mitsubishi Chemical stated, “Mitsubishi Chemical is actively promoting the license of petrochemical product technologies. This cooperation with Technip Energies definitively strengthens our licensing business, especially for the C3 derivatives chain i.e., DTP (Methanol to Propylene), Acrylic Acid and OXO Alcohol technology. Mitsubishi Chemical’s licensing business is growing while also contributing to the reduction of GHG emissions.”

Source: Technip Energies
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